February 2014: So then what is Ra-X you might be saying? Well as someone once described it, it’s not Retail Assist with a kiss, although it does lovingly look after retailer’s data exchange with its retail partners. As it’s coming up to Valentine’s day we thought we’d spread the love and share with you the ways in which Ra-X is looking after many leading retailers’ data.
Ra-X is a data exchange software solution for today’s global omnichannel world, to carry out polling, data exchange, and communications between retailers and an unlimited number of outlets and partners globally. As an example it works by accepting sales data from a concession in a House of Fraser store. The data from the concession is often received in an unreadable format to the retailers own head office systems. As such Ra-X takes that data and converts in to a format which is readable by the head office system. The Head Office system can then read the crucial sales and performance data, and push data back out to the concession. This would need to be converted in to a readable format for the House of Fraser store, and this is again where Ra-X comes in, to convert this data into a readable format.
It reduces the requirement on excel spread sheets, and work-arounds which can often be problematic and incorrect. Ra-X enables easy polling of all data between many systems enabling retailer’s to trade more effectively with their trading partners, across company owned stores, concessions, standalone stores and franchises, spreading the love globally. It allows easy data interchange with partner systems, dealing with issues relating to data formatting, territories, time zones and pricing.
With the advent of new technology Ra-X has been developed for tablet devices to replace Hand Held Terminals that are so often expensive to purchase and maintain, and which do not allow for multi-functional activities to be carried out in store. Ra-X is also a cloud based and Software as a Service Solution, meaning there is no massive capital outlay. Ra-X delivered through the tablet device provides offline in-store inventory functionality that enables you to carry out the inventory processes in front of the goods, whether that is on the shop floor, or in the stock room. This eliminates the costly manual process and enables you to process inter branch transfers, receive stock from the warehouse, progress write on/off transactions and undertake a stocktake.
Simply put Ra-X is a fully scalable solution that allows you to gain uniformity without a significant increase in cost, thus resulting in more profitable and successful trading relationships. It ensures all data is effectively monitored providing a smooth and reliable service, flagging errors quickly and efficiently to solve discrepancies before they become an issue.
If you want to know more about how Ra-X could lovingly look after your data get in touch on 0115 853 3910 or info@retail-assist.co.uk